Hi everybody. This term has been amazing and yes it is the end of the term and I have had a great term. I have also got a restricted license which means I can now work on the landing. I am working for a full license so that I can work all around the school. I would really like to apply for a full license. Sponsored by Charlies spring water. And for maths I liked Doing this follow up in Wk 9. I didn't want to record but feel free to check the recording at Kristianhgms on YouTube. I have had a great term in mamaku 3 (M3)
This week for numeracy we have started to learn how to add decimals but we had a ordering decimals follow up and we had to record it... But I did it with Alex my friend.
I found recording hard because I am very shy and Next time we will pause at the right time because at the start it didn't work well.
This week for literacy I have done a follow up about a creature and made a fact file for dogs.
I didn't find it that hard because I just searched them up and I only found the diet hard becuase there are so many dog breeds and I had to find one so I thought their normal food! Typing This week for typing I have done a typing test for 3 minutes and I am going to do longer tests now because 3 minute tests are getting easy to do now.
I think im improving at my typing and that is why I am going to do longer tests.